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Smart Backpack

IoT-Powered Solution for Spinal Cord Injury Prevention

  • Developed solution for preventing potential spinal cord injuries from improper backpack usage.

  • Designed and implemented clip-on backpack device with Android app support. Integrated "Find My Bag" feature using Bluetooth for easy bag retrieval.


Comprehensive Monitoring for Alzheimer's Patients

IoT-Based Monitoring and Assistance System for Independent Living​

  • Designed IoT system for daily assistance, ensuring safety at home for individuals with dementia.

  • Built a responsive Flutter app for real-time updates, ensuring timely assistance.

  • Addressed challenges, creating a smart home for independence and peace of mind.

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Trans-Care Web Application

Transgender support Web-Application

  • Created "Trans Care," a website for the transgender community, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Included sections on education, legal rights, job opportunities, and mental/physical health, with impactful quotes promoting equality.

  • Added links to NGOs and donation pages for support, along with a "Chat with Us" feature for sharing problems.

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